
Thursday 23 August 2012

Top 25 passwords used Commonly

Password is a word which most people want to be a secret which remains
with them.But some times we use such a non-intelligent pass which is
really common and can easily be guessed.From the moment people started
usingpasswords, it didn't take long to realizehow many people picked
the very same passwords over and over. Even the way people misspell
words is consistent. In fact, people are so predictable that most
hackers make use of lists of common passwords just like these. To give
you some insight into how predictable humans are, the following is a
list of the 25 most common passwords. If you see your password on this
list, please change it immediately.
1. password
2. 123456
3. 12345678
4. 1234
5. qwerty
6. 12345
7. dragon
8. pussy
9. baseball
10. football
11. letmein
12. monkey
13. 696969
14. abc123
15. mustang
16. michael
17. shadow
18. master
19. jennifer
20. 111111
21. 2000
22. jordan
23. superman
24. harley
25. 1234567

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